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Reclaim Your Best Beautiful Life

If you can relate to any of the four scenarios below, this course is going to be immensely valuable to you! JUST IF:

  • You are good at running from REAL THINGS, you are eager to escape to an easier version of your life. We are all pros at it, actually. But when we run and hide and numb, we are only compounding the problem and we are training our brains to be good at whatever numbing we choose.
  • I finally decided that I was tired of being really good at shopping or eating or mindlessly scrolling Facebook.
  • We also don't realize how much we will come to loathe ourselves when we numb. We hate that we never seem to have enough courage or self-discipline to make real change.
  • Our confidence tanks and that's incredibly uncomfortable so we cycle back around to the thing that makes us feel better temporarily. And the sick cycle carousel continues.

If any or all of this sounds familiar and steps on your toes, you're not alone. And I want us to dive deep into what is keeping us stuck and flat and unmotivated and unable to make real change.

What you get in this course:

  • 20 videos from Dr. Edie Wadsworth
  • mindset changing coursework